24 Mar The 100 day project 2021 #WorkInProgress (ENG)
Close to the end of February 2021 the 100 day project started. It is an annual project initiated by Lindsay Jean Tomson. For the period of 100 day you will be creating something, everyday.
I decided to make my own journal and use it for my project. I wanted to get more familiar with nature: to sketch nature. Paying more attention to my surroundings, to experiment with color combinations and to practise with sketching.
We have passed day 50, so I decided to dedicate a short blogpost to it.
References to sketch nature
I have loads of photographs I took in nature. I use them as a reference a lot!
Besides that I also sometimes use objects I found and took home with me.
I also like to use pinterest for images. I created a board with images I want to sketch and I’m adding images to that database whenever I see something I’d like to sketch. I often use that as a reference.
Finding 100 things to sketch
It’s getting more and more difficult to find new things to sketch and to keep my practice fun. Yet, somehow, I never ran out of inspiration! I really like to experiment with colors and materials, so I’m thinking about that when I want to sketch something as well.
I am searching for things that might not feel like nature, but sure are. For example: is a chair from wood nature? Or not? When you take a bunch of wild flowers and put them in a jar for decoration in your home, is it still nature? I believe it is… This makes me see more and more options as to what nature actually is.